Thursday, October 16, 2008

Still Alive

So this last week has been kind of terrible... Some things that were quite unexpected has made this week rather stressful. I'm getting better though, don't worry. Anyways I realized that I still have not posted pictures of my finished penguin. If you are still just dying to see him you can go look at him on my flickr account. My username is bcritters. I still haven't finished the two polar bears I have been working on either. I'm really nervous with Christmas getting closer and closer and I having so many gifts I still need to make. Oh well, I'm sure I'll figure something out... Sometime this weekend or soon next week, I will post pictures of what I have done so far. I cannot promise any changes in the projects status's though, since school work is piling and piling... ugh! Oh also I just recently bought some amigurumi eyes from an etsy shop. They should be arriving soon and that makes me happy :)!!!

Hope you are all doing well!


Fayme Zelena Harper said...

Do your best to live in the moment and work on the most pressing thing. You still have lots of time before Christmas. Just take a deep breath and carry on.

Unknown said...

thanks :) I am doing my best... Only a few more weeks and then I get a nice break, MUSIC EDUCATORS NATION CONFERENCE CONVENTION

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